Election Rules
Forms of provisional list of member , notice inviting nominations, nomination paper, declaration by candidate, ballot paper
Various forms prescribed under the bye Laws 1 to 30.
1 preliminary
A) The name of the society shall be .......
B) The society shall follow the procedure laid down under section 15 of the Act and rule 14 of the Rules for the change of its name.
C) The society is classified under major class "Housing"with sub-class "Tenant ownership/Tenant co-partnership housing society"
2 The registered address of the society shall be as under::...
B)Any change in the registered address of the society shall be intimated by it to the Registering Authority and all other concerned within 30 days of such change.
C)The society shall exhibit at a conspicuous place at the main entrance of the building ,a Board indicating it's names, Registration number and the registered address